ns1:AggregationEvent leaf node




Class: Aggregation event


The :AggregationEvent class groups together all events related to the construction of a publication.

Superclasses (2)


Instances of ns1:AggregationEvent can have the following properties:

From class ns1:Event
ns1:publishedCity owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedCity property specifies the name of a city, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedCountry owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedCountry property specifies the name of a country, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedDivision owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedDivision property specifies the name of a division, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedFamilyName owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedFamilyName property specifies the family name of a person, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedGivenName owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedGivenName property specifies the given name of a person, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedName owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedName property specifies the full name of a person, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedPostbox owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedPostbox property specifies the name of a postbox, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedPostcode owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedPostcode property specifies the name of a postcode, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedState owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedState property specifies the name of a state, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:publishedStreet owl:DatatypeProperty The :publishedStreet property specifies the name of a street, as it appears in the context of an event, e.g. a publication. xsd:string
ns1:year owl:DatatypeProperty The :date property specifies the year date of an event as a string. xsd:gYear
ns1:yearMonth owl:DatatypeProperty The :date property specifies the year and month date of an event as a string. xsd:gYearMonth
ns1:hasAgent owl:ObjectProperty The :hasAgent property specifies an agent related to an event or one of its subclasses. Note: this property is abstract as it is mainly used for grouping sub-properties like sg:hasPerson. ns1:Agent
ns1:hasOrganization owl:ObjectProperty The :hasOrganization property specifies an organization related to an event or one of its subclasses. ns1:Organization
ns1:hasPerson owl:ObjectProperty The :hasPerson property specifies a person related to an event or one of its subclasses. For example, the author of a :ContributionEvent. ns1:Person
From class ns1:Thing
ns1:otherWebpage rdf:Property The :otherWebpage property relates a Scigraph thing to a generic page on the web. owl:Thing
ns1:webpage rdf:Property The :webpage property relates a Scigraph thing to a page on the web that describes it. owl:Thing
ns1:acronym owl:DatatypeProperty The :acronym property specifies an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words. xsd:string
ns1:category owl:DatatypeProperty The :category property specifies the category, subject or topic of an entity as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:city owl:DatatypeProperty The :city property specifies the city location of a thing as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:country owl:DatatypeProperty The :country property specifies the country location of a thing as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:date owl:DatatypeProperty The :date property specifies the full date for a thing, e.g. a publication or an event. xsd:date
ns1:dateEnd owl:DatatypeProperty The :dateEnd property specifies the end date for a thing, e.g. a publication or an event. Note that for a serial publication, this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication end date. xsd:string
ns1:dateStart owl:DatatypeProperty The :dateStart property specifies the start date for a thing, e.g. a publication or an event. Note that for a serial publication, this date relates to the publisher holdings which may not be the same as the actual publication start date. xsd:string
ns1:datetime owl:DatatypeProperty The :datetime property specifies a system-generated datetime for an entity. xsd:dateTime
ns1:dblpId owl:DatatypeProperty The :dblpId property specifies an ID within the DBLP publications database. xsd:string
ns1:ddsId owl:DatatypeProperty The :ddsId property specifies an ID within the DDS dataset. xsd:string
ns1:description owl:DatatypeProperty The :description property specifies a description for a Scigraph entity as a language string. rdf:langString
ns1:dimensionsId owl:DatatypeProperty The :dimensionsId property specifies an ID within the Dimensions dataset. xsd:string
ns1:endYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :endYear property specifies an end year for a thing. xsd:gYear
ns1:id owl:DatatypeProperty The :id property provides a root property for all Scigraph identity properties. xsd:string
ns1:label owl:DatatypeProperty The :label property specifies a label for a thing as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:meshTerm owl:DatatypeProperty The :meshTerm property specifies a Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term as a string. xsd:string
ns1:name owl:DatatypeProperty The :name property specifies the full name for a thing. xsd:string
ns1:nameInfo owl:DatatypeProperty The :nameInfo property is used for grouping all properties describing names, titles or labels for an object. owl:Thing
ns1:npgId owl:DatatypeProperty The :npgId property specifies an ID within the Nature.com dataset. xsd:string
ns1:number owl:DatatypeProperty The :number property specifies a sequence number for a thing, e.g. component such as a figure, or a conference number. xsd:integer
ns1:order owl:DatatypeProperty The :order property specifies a sequence number for an entity such as a figure, a dataset or a contributor. xsd:integer
ns1:role owl:DatatypeProperty The :role property specifies the role of an entity as a string, e.g. in the context of a :Contribution. This may be 'author' or 'editor'. xsd:string
ns1:scigraphId owl:DatatypeProperty The :scigraphId property provides a unique ID for a Scigraph thing. The :scigraphId value forms the local part of the full Scigraph URI for an entity name. xsd:string
ns1:score owl:DatatypeProperty The :score property specifies an evaluation metric associated with an entity and derived from some test regime. The property value is expressed as a decimal number. xsd:decimal
ns1:startYear owl:DatatypeProperty The :startYear property specifies a start year for a thing. xsd:gYear
ns1:subtitle owl:DatatypeProperty The :subtitle property specifies a subtitle for a thing as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:subtitleXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :subtitleXml property specifies a subtitle in XML format for a thing as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:title owl:DatatypeProperty The :title property specifies a title for a thing as a plain string. xsd:string
ns1:titleTranslated owl:DatatypeProperty The :titleTranslated property specifies a title for a thing as a language-tagged string. rdf:langString
ns1:titleXml owl:DatatypeProperty The :titleXml property specifies a title in XML format for a thing as a string value. xsd:string
ns1:hasContribution owl:ObjectProperty The :hasContribution property relates a Scigraph entity to a contributor-event that specifies the role an agent has in the context of the history of that entity. For example, a person could be the author, editor, reviewer of different publications at different times. ns1:Contribution
ns1:homepage owl:ObjectProperty The :homepage property relates a Scigraph thing to the main page on the web that describes it. owl:Thing
ns1:mesh owl:ObjectProperty The :mesh property relates a thing to a Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) term as a resource. owl:Thing
From class owl:Thing
ns1:abstract owl:DatatypeProperty The :abstract property specifies the abstract for a publication as a plain string. xsd:string
ns1:abstractTranslated owl:DatatypeProperty The :abstractTranslated property specifies the abstract for a publication as a language-tagged string. rdf:langString
ns1:articleType owl:DatatypeProperty The :articleType property specifies a string value for an article-type. xsd:string
ns1:bookType owl:DatatypeProperty The :bookType property specifies a string value for a book type. xsd:string
ns1:conceptScheme rdf:Property The :conceptScheme property specifies the SKOS concept scheme used in creating instances of this class. owl:Thing
ns1:count owl:DatatypeProperty The :count property specifies a count value. xsd:integer
ns1:database owl:DatatypeProperty The :database property specifies a database by a simple string value. xsd:string
ns1:dateInfo owl:DatatypeProperty The :dateInfo property is an abstract property used to group together all date-related properties. owl:Thing
ns1:email owl:DatatypeProperty The :email property specifies an email address. xsd:string
ns1:example rdf:Property The :example property specifies an example of an entity. This property is similar to void:exampleResource. But see also skos:example. owl:Thing
ns1:hasCitationMetricsEvent owl:ObjectProperty The :hasCitationMetricsEvent property specifies a resource which identifies a citation metrics event for a publication. ns1:CitationMetricsEvent
ns1:hasJournal owl:ObjectProperty The :hasJournal property relates a publication to a journal. ns1:Journal
ns1:hasJournalBrand owl:ObjectProperty The :hasJournalBrand property relates a publication to a journal brand. ns1:JournalBrand
ns1:isAffiliationOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isAffiliationOf property is the inverse of the :hasAffiliation property. owl:Thing
ns1:isAgentOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isAgentOf property is the inverse of the :hasAgent property. owl:Thing
ns1:isArticleOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isArticleOf property is the inverse of the :hasArticle property. owl:Thing
ns1:isArticleTypeOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isArticleTypeOf property is the inverse of the :hasArticleType property. owl:Thing
ns1:isBookChapterOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isBookChapterOf property is the inverse of the :hasBookChapter property. owl:Thing
ns1:isBookEditionOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isBookEditionOf property is the inverse of the :hasBookEdition property. owl:Thing
ns1:isBookOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isBookOf property is the inverse of the :hasBook property. owl:Thing
ns1:isBookSeriesOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isBookSeriesOf property is the inverse of the :hasBookSeries property. owl:Thing
ns1:isCategoryOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isCategoryOf property is the inverse of the :isCategoryOf property. owl:Thing
ns1:isConferenceSeriesOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isConferenceSeriesOf property is the inverse of the :hasConferenceSeries property. owl:Thing
ns1:isContributionOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isContributionOf property is the inverse of the :hasContribution property. owl:Thing
ns1:isFieldOfResearchCodeOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isProductMarketCodeOf property is the inverse of the :hasProductMarketCode property. owl:Thing
ns1:isFundedPublicationOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isFundedPublicationOf property is the inverse of the :hasFundedPublication property. owl:Thing
ns1:isFundingOrganizationOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isFundingOrganizationOf property is the inverse of the :hasFundingOrganization property. owl:Thing
ns1:isJournalBrandOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isJournalBrandOf property is the inverse of the :hasJournalBrand property. owl:Thing
ns1:isJournalOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isJournalOf property is the inverse of the :hasJournal property. owl:Thing
ns1:isOrganizationOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isOrganizationOf property is the inverse of the :hasOrganization property. owl:Thing
ns1:isPersonOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isPersonOf property is the inverse of the :hasPerson property. owl:Thing
ns1:isPrincipalInvestigatorOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isPrincipalInvestigatorOf property is the inverse of the :hasPrincipalInvestigator property. owl:Thing
ns1:isProductMarketCodeOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isProductMarketCodeOf property is the inverse of the :hasProductMarketCode property. owl:Thing
ns1:isPublicationOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isPublicationOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublication property. owl:Thing
ns1:isPublishEventOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isPublishEventOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublishEvent property. owl:Thing
ns1:isPublishStateOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isPublishStateOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublishState property. owl:Thing
ns1:isPublisherOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isPublisherOf property is the inverse of the :hasPublisher property. owl:Thing
ns1:isRecipientOrganizationOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isRecipientOrganizationOf property is the inverse of the :hasRecipientOrganization property. owl:Thing
ns1:isReviewEventOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isReviewEventOf property is the inverse of the :hasReviewEvent property. owl:Thing
ns1:isReviewStateOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isReviewStateOf property is the inverse of the :hasReviewState property. owl:Thing
ns1:isRootOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isRootOf property is the inverse of the :hasRoot property. owl:Thing
ns1:isSerialOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isSerialOf property is the inverse of the :hasSerial property. owl:Thing
ns1:isSubjectOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isSubjectOf property is the inverse of the :hasSubject property. owl:Thing
ns1:isWorkOf owl:ObjectProperty The :isWorkOf property is the inverse of the :hasWork property. owl:Thing
ns1:keyProperty rdf:Property The :keyProperty property specifies which are the properties used to unambiguously identify an entity type. owl:Thing
ns1:license owl:DatatypeProperty The :license property specifies a the license terms for an object as a string. xsd:string
ns1:namespace rdf:Property The :namespace property provides the RDF namespace used in creating instances of a class. owl:Thing
ns1:placeInfo owl:DatatypeProperty The :placeInfo property is used for grouping all properties describing the location of a thing. xsd:string
ns1:pluralLabel owl:DatatypeProperty The :pluralLabel property specifies a plural form for the preferred label. rdf:langString
ns1:replacedBy owl:ObjectProperty The :replacedBy property relates a thing to another thing that replaces it. owl:Thing
ns1:replaces owl:ObjectProperty The :replaces property relates a thing to another thing that it replaces. owl:Thing
ns1:shapeDataClient rdf:Property The :shapeDataClient property specifies the data client that a SHACL shape is prepared for. The client may be a data source for imports, or a data sink for exports. See :shapeType for the shape data flow direction. Note that the client may be specified currently as a string, although later is intended to reference a data-clients: taxonomy term. owl:Thing
ns1:shapeDataGraph rdf:Property The :shapeDataGraph property specifies the data graph that a SHACL shape will be applied to. owl:Thing
ns1:shapeType rdf:Property The :shapeType property specifies whether a SHACL shape is used primarily for data ingestion ("import") or for data publishing ()"export"). owl:Thing
ns1:test owl:DatatypeProperty The :test property specifies a general string test property. owl:Thing
ns1:timestamp owl:DatatypeProperty The :timestamp property specifies a generic timestamp for an object. xsd:integer


@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix ns1: <http://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/core/> .
@prefix ns2: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix vann: <http://purl.org/vocab/vann/> .
@prefix void: <http://rdfs.org/ns/void#> .
@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

ns1:AggregationEvent a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Class: Aggregation event"@en ;
    ns1:namespace "aggregation-events" ;
    rdfs:comment "The :AggregationEvent class groups together all events related to the construction of a publication."@en ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy ns1: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf ns1:Event .