ontology:philosurfical.owl#BIRTH leaf node






E67-CIDOC - This class comprises the birth of a human beings. E67 Birth is a biological event focussing on the context of people coming into life.(E63 Beginning of Existence comprises the coming into life of any living beings). ++Philosurfical: it many be the case, as noted by cipher, that some slots are not needed. For example, brought into life seems correct, but from another point of view it seems it could be easily replaced by the brought into existence of the beginning of existence class. For indicating the place, we have the slot took-place-at, inherited from period


Instances of ontology:philosurfical.owl#BIRTH can have the following properties:

From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#BIRTH
ontology:philosurfical.owl#BROUGHT-INTO-LIFE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#BY-MOTHER -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#FROM-FATHER -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#BEGINNING-OF-EXISTENCE
ontology:philosurfical.owl#BROUGHT-INTO-EXISTENCE -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#EVENT
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAD-PARTICIPANT -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OCCURRED-IN-THE-PRESENCE-OF -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#PERIOD
ontology:philosurfical.owl#CONSISTS-OF -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#FALLS-WITHIN -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#IS-SEPARATED-FROM -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OVERLAPS-WITH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#TOOK-PLACE-AT -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#TOOK-PLACE-ON-OR-WITHIN -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#TEMPORAL-ENTITY
ontology:philosurfical.owl#FINISHES -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-TIME-SPECIFICATION -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#IS-EQUAL-IN-TIME-TO -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#MEETS-IN-TIME-WITH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OCCURS-BEFORE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OCCURS-DURING -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OVERLAPS-IN-TIME-WITH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#STARTS -- owl:Thing
From class owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-ALTERNATIVE-FORM -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-ALTITUDE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXEAST -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXNORTH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXSOUTH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXWEST -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-LATITUDE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-LONGITUDE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#TYPICAL-OF-AREA -- owl:Thing


@prefix ontology: <http://philosurfical.open.ac.uk/ontology/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix owl11: <http://www.w3.org/2006/12/owl11#> .
@prefix owl11xml: <http://www.w3.org/2006/12/owl11-xml#> .
@prefix phideas: <http://purl.com/net/phideas#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

<http://philosurfical.open.ac.uk/ontology/philosurfical.owl#BIRTH> a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:comment """E67-CIDOC - This class comprises the birth of a human beings. E67 Birth is a biological event focussing on the context of people coming into life.(E63 Beginning of Existence comprises the coming into life of any living beings).
++Philosurfical: it many be the case, as noted by cipher, that some slots are not needed. For example, brought into life seems correct, but from another point of view it seems it could be easily replaced by the brought into existence of the beginning of existence class. For indicating the place, we have the slot took-place-at, inherited from period""" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf <http://philosurfical.open.ac.uk/ontology/philosurfical.owl#BEGINNING-OF-EXISTENCE> .