





E11-CIDOC - This class comprises all instances of E7 Activity that create, alter or change E24 Physical Man- Made Thing. This class includes the production of an item from raw materials, and other so far undocumented objects, and the preventive treatment or restoration of an object for conservation. Since the distinction between modification and production is not always clear, modification is regarded as the more generally applicable concept. ++Philosurfical: Use-general-technique and used-specific-technique have been combined into one slot used-technique of type design-or-procedure. However, we will have to consider this more, since we dont have a design class yet, if not related to the philosophical methods!! here we are talking about modifications to physical objects, so we must be careful not to include ph. methods that modify behaviours or attitudes


Instances of ontology:philosurfical.owl#MODIFICATION can have the following properties:

From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#MODIFICATION
ontology:philosurfical.owl#EMPLOYED -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-MODIFIED -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#USED-TECHNIQUE -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#ACTIVITY
ontology:philosurfical.owl#CARRIED-OUT-BY -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#CONTINUED -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAD-SPECIFIC-PURPOSE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#USED-SPECIFIC-OBJECT -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#WAS-INFLUENCED-BY -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#WAS-INTENDED-USE-OF -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#WAS-MOTIVATED-BY -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#EVENT
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAD-PARTICIPANT -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OCCURRED-IN-THE-PRESENCE-OF -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#PERIOD
ontology:philosurfical.owl#CONSISTS-OF -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#FALLS-WITHIN -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#IS-SEPARATED-FROM -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OVERLAPS-WITH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#TOOK-PLACE-AT -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#TOOK-PLACE-ON-OR-WITHIN -- owl:Thing
From class ontology:philosurfical.owl#TEMPORAL-ENTITY
ontology:philosurfical.owl#FINISHES -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-TIME-SPECIFICATION -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#IS-EQUAL-IN-TIME-TO -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#MEETS-IN-TIME-WITH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OCCURS-BEFORE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OCCURS-DURING -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#OVERLAPS-IN-TIME-WITH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#STARTS -- owl:Thing
From class owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-ALTERNATIVE-FORM -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-ALTITUDE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXEAST -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXNORTH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXSOUTH -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-BBOXWEST -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-LATITUDE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#HAS-LONGITUDE -- owl:Thing
ontology:philosurfical.owl#TYPICAL-OF-AREA -- owl:Thing


@prefix ontology: <http://philosurfical.open.ac.uk/ontology/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix owl11: <http://www.w3.org/2006/12/owl11#> .
@prefix owl11xml: <http://www.w3.org/2006/12/owl11-xml#> .
@prefix phideas: <http://purl.com/net/phideas#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

<http://philosurfical.open.ac.uk/ontology/philosurfical.owl#MODIFICATION> a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:comment """E11-CIDOC - This class comprises all instances of E7 Activity that create, alter or change E24 Physical Man- Made Thing.  This class includes the production of an item from raw materials, and other so far undocumented objects, and the preventive treatment or restoration of an object for conservation.  Since the distinction between modification and production is not always clear, modification is regarded as the more generally applicable concept.
++Philosurfical: Use-general-technique and used-specific-technique have been combined into one slot used-technique of type design-or-procedure. However, we will have to consider this more, since we dont have a design class yet, if not related to the philosophical methods!! here we are talking about modifications to physical objects, so we must be careful not to include ph. methods that modify behaviours or attitudes""" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf <http://philosurfical.open.ac.uk/ontology/philosurfical.owl#ACTIVITY> .